The BIM Dimensions

  What is BIM?

➜Building Information Modelling(BIM) is an intelligent 3D model-based process that gives architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) professionals the insight and tools to more efficiently plan, design, construct and manage buildings and infrastructure.

➜BIM allows a project to be built virtually before they are constructed physically, eliminating many of the inefficiencies & the problem that arises during the construction process.



 What are BIM Dimensions?

➜ In Building Information Modelling, according to project stage requirement & project complexity specific parameters are added to the existing information contained in BIM. These additions of the parameter can be described as BIM Dimensions. BIM dimensions refer to the level of information & data entered into a 3D model.

 BIM Dimension- 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D & 7D  each has its purpose & useful in finding out how much a project would cost, its timeline, when it would be completed & how sustainable it would be in the future.

3D BIM (Geometry):-

➜ 3D BIM, as we are commonly aware that it represents three geographical dimensions (X, Y, Z) of a building structure, which help all the stakeholders to visualize a building structure even before the project started.

4D BIM (Duration, Timeline & Scheduling):-

➜ 4D BIM involves time-related information being associated with to project information model. 

➜Using 4D BIM, construction professionals can make detailed time schedules showing the lead time, progress and interdependencies between different work tasks.

5D BIM (Cost estimation, Analysis & Budget tracking):-

➜ 5D BIM is useful in cases where budget analysis & cost estimation are required from the beginning of any project, these help in accurately predicting the budgetary requirement along with a change in scope, material, manpower, equipment requirement.

6D BIM (Sustainability & Energy Efficient):-

➜ 6D BIM helps to analyze the energy consumption of a building & come out with an energy estimate at the initial design stage.

➜ This dimension is also known as integrated BIM as it involved detailed information that can help in supporting facility management & operation at future date.

7D BIM (facility management):-

➜ 7D BIM is a unique approach where everything related to the facility management process is collated at a single place within the Building Information Model.

➜ This dimension is used to track important asset data such as its maintenance, operation manuals, technical specification, etc. at a future stage.

Name:-  Saurabh S Nikam.
Email id:-
Linkedin Profile:- saurabh-nikam-b8b527100


  1. Very insightful yet brief, even a beginner like myself could understand. 👏🏻

  2. Nice and very informative, for anyone who wants to start learning about BIM this will be very helpful.

  3. A nice and brief presentation on BIM. Good job.

  4. Very insightful article, thanks for sharing!

  5. Quite helpful to begin with thanks for the information.

  6. Very informative and step by step knowledge on comparitively new subject...
    Well studied material...

  7. Very insightful and helpful information


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